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Hood Rich: The rise and fall of one of Brooklyn's Finest Page 4

  “Yo, you crazy, why you gone start some shit you can't...”

  Iyani put her finger over my mouth with one hand and pulled my zipper down with the other. She made her way down and took me into her mouth. Iyani sucked me off super slow and I enjoyed every minute of it.

  After some head, we smoked, talked and watched television. I stayed over Iyani's house for three days. I told Zeke to keep all the workers in for three days, even from going outside to chill or to the bodega. I figured the shit would hit the fan on the streets. I just wanted my niggas to get low until the smoke cleared.

  My cellphone was ringing off the hook, but I never answered it. I was enjoying myself. I had fun chillin with Iyani for that short amount of time. I hadn’t been out of the city much, so this was a much needed getaway for me. Iyani offered me a ride home when I was ready to leave. I called Zeke to see what's up. He answered the phone frantic.

  “You aight nigga... I been trying to call you for three days. You just left the hotel and went missing. Yo where you at? This shit crazy. Them niggas from Brownsville fire bombed Fats house. He tried to run out and they shot him in the head. Some Bed-Stuy niggas caught his daughter coming out of Junior's downtown. They put her in the trunk and set the car on fire. His workers got low, I aint seen none of 'em.” I smiled as a weird feeling of happiness came over me. The news was good. Iyani dropped me off at the the Hot Bar, where I met up with Zeke. His jaw dropped when he seen me hop out of that 760Li. “Damn Rich, who was that?”

  Zeke asked as he watched Iyani make a u-turn on Wilson Ave.

  “Oh yeah, that’s one of my dimes, nine more and I'll have a dollar!”

  We went into the bar to have a few drinks. Before long Zeke started poking around for info. He asked me about the guns we used to hit up those Central Ave niggas and the one I stashed for Manny. I lied. I told him they were all in the abandoned house around Knickerbocker and Cooper, under the armoire in the basement. He looked into my eyes.

  “Damn dog... Don’t nobody else know?”

  “Nah... only you and me. I Don’t trust too many of these dudes around here. We been getting this money all summer long yo. Its all us, we Brooklyn's Finest, you dig me?”

  “Yeah man, we gotta stay tight... Brooklyn's Finest.” Zeke lifted his glass for a toast. We toasted.

  “Yeah man, I got a bad vibe though, like niggas plotting, so you need somebody to watch your back nigga. I hear niggas talking bout sticking you, this and that, I aint letting that shit go down, you dig. Next time you re-up I’m gone be at your side nigga. Like you said Brooklyn's Finest, its all us.”

  I knew Zeke was lying, because he wouldn’t let nobody slide with talking about sticking me. He was too hot headed to sit back and not do anything. He would have already reacted. I played along though. “Yeah, I dig. You know what man... you right. I’m gone pick this work up from Shakita's crib and take it down for the night. You got enough work for tonight right?”

  “Yeah we good on work.”

  “Aight, follow me to Shakita's crib and then home so I can put this work up. Matter of fact, I’m gone to sleep. Just make sure I get in the house okay.”

  “Aight yo.”

  Damn. My A-alike, my homie? I could sense deceit in his tone. I could hear the bullshit alarms going off in my head. The crazy part is, how do I take it. He could be setting me up to get robbed, but that wouldn’t make sense. He knows I’m low key... besides, he could just burn me for the packs on that shift and say he got robbed. I couldn’t picture Zeke being a snitch, but just in case I’m gone tell Shakita to pass that shit directly to Zeke and not even look at me. Everything went smooth, but I felt uneasy.

  After I walked in my front door I locked it. I grabbed that fifty thousand out the safe and wiped it down. I left out the back door and crept down the alley and around the corner of Halsey and Knickerbocker. I could see all the police cars approaching. No sirens, or lights; it was definitely dicks, narcs, or feds. I threw the crack that was passed from Shakita to Zeke to me. I Don’t know where it landed, but I do know that somebody in Irving Park was gone get real high tonight. My instincts told me not to run, as that would have drawn attention to myself. I walked over to Wilson Ave and the B26 bus was coming. I put a twenty dollar bill in the fare box. The bus driver just shook his head in disbelief.

  There I was on the bus with fifty thousand plus the other three hundred I already had in my pocket. My best friend ratted me out, unless I jumped to conclusions. Just as I thought about it my phone went off. It was Zeke chirping me.

  “Yo, where you at now sun?”

  It was official. This could not had been a coincidence. I didn’t want to waste time. You know these phones got GPS and shit. I was paranoid.

  “Fuck you... you rat bastard... I hope you choke on a piece of cheese and die nigga.”

  I hopped off the B26 at Nostrand Ave. I gave my phone to some chick that was getting on the bus. My heart was pounding. I was probably over reacting. I took a gipsy cab to my new stash house in Bed-Stuy. I was so glad I saw this bullshit coming. I put the fifty thousand in my safe and laid down on the bare floor. I had no furniture and I was hungry. I walked down Nostrand to Fulton street. There was a Golden Krust, a Subway, and Andrew’s Fish Market.

  I felt out of touch for the first time in my life. It was crazy. I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I was thinking, I’m a murder suspect, this shit Don’t look good.

  I walked into Andrew’s Fish Market and ordered a snow crab platter and two pounds of mussels. There was a pretty light skin girl standing at the door. She looked dirty though. Like she hadn’t washed her face in days. She was still pretty though. Something about her drew me in. She looked at me and then at the dude behind the counter. He instantly snapped at her. “Stop begging... fuck out of here!”

  “You hungry ma'... what you want?” I asked her. “It don’t matter, just broccoli and potatoes.” I figured I may as well do some charity.

  “Do you like crabs and mussels?”

  “Yeah, but I’m cool, I’m not picky.”

  “Double that order up.” I said to the cashier. He looked at me in disgust.

  The total was sixty three dollars. After paying I sat down to wait for the food. I was thinking about my next move. I couldn’t trust a soul on Wilson Ave after that bullshit. How deep was it... or was it just Zeke. Was Shakita in on it, I doubted that. In the middle of my thoughts I noticed the little dirty girl looking at me. I smiled at her and beckoned for her to come inside. She sat across from me and smiled.

  “You got a eye problem?” I jested.

  “No... why did you buy me something to eat?” “Because you looked hungry.” I smiled.

  “You trying to bust on me... I’m not skinny.” “But you was looking at that food like you aint eat in two days.”

  She laughed and smiled

  “You from around here.” I asked her.

  “No, I just be down here, why?”

  “Cause you got that big ass pocketbook like you on vacation or something.”

  “Naw I keep my guns in there.”

  “For what, I’m not gone rob you, rape you, or kill you.”

  I made her blush so hard she had to turn around. “Boy I’m playing, I aint got no money for you to rob me, you not gone kill me cause I’m too sexy, and you not gone rape me cause you too cute. You nice and you get money so I would probly give it to you.” “What make you think I get money?”

  “Cause you just spent sixty three dollars on seafood. You probly got your own crib, a car, and a lot of bitches.”

  “Naw ma'... I got a crib though, even though I don’t have no furniture.”

  “How you got a house with no furniture... boy you crazy. So where you gone eat?” She said laughing. “There’s a counter top in the kitchen.”

  “So you don’t have no bed, no t.v., or nothing?” “Naw... I gotta go shopping tomorrow. Can I borrow some of your furniture?”

  “I Don’t have no furniture, so we even.”

bsp; “Yeah, I guess so...”

  “So what we gone stand up and eat at your house?” “That’s what I’m gone do. If you want, you can come with me.”

  “Yeah I'll do that.”

  There was something about her that I liked. She stood at 5'3” around 120 pounds. She was nice, probly a ccup, nice round ass, pretty teeth. She was a fixerella. She just needed to be cleaned up.

  The walk back to my house seemed long even though it was only a few blocks over to Putnam Street. We walked slowly and made small talk. As I turned the key in my door it dawned on me what happened earlier. We sat on the stoop and ate the crabs and mussels. After we finished eating, I wrapped up the shells and took them to the trash can on the corner. When I got back to the house she was sitting on the bottom step. She looked up at me.

  “Now what?” She questioned.

  “What you mean ma'?” I responded.

  “You bought me something to eat, so do you want me to do something for you now?”

  “Naw, you can chill wit me.”

  “Aight, I got some green in my bag... you wanna smoke?”

  “Not now... lets walk up Nostrand Ave and get a gypsy cab. We need to go to Duane Reade and get some shit.”

  I didn’t know shorty from a can of paint, but fuck it. No use in getting low by myself. I grabbed five thousand from out of my safe. I decided that we would go to the motel tonight and shop furniture in the morning.

  At Duane Reade's we grabbed deodorant, toothpaste, and other hygiene bullshit. We took another gypsy cab to the Galaxy Motel on Pennsylvania Ave. I let her get in the shower first. I wanted to see if she would come out with or without the towel on. I kicked back and watched television. When she got out of the shower I was disappointed. She was tightly wrapped in a towel, however she looked and smelled like a completely different person. I just went ahead and jumped in the shower. When I got out I realized she threw her underwear in the trash. I could see why. Her bra and panties were dingy as shit. I noticed that the television was off. She had a bottle of lotion in one hand and the other rubbing it on her thigh. I could smell the raspberry scent in the air. She got up and shook the bottle.

  “Lay on your stomach.” She said.

  “Hey... I Don’t know what type of freak shit you into but I’m not...”

  She smiled and smacked me on my back with a hand full of lotion.

  “Come on so I can lotion your back 'ash man'!” I laid down on my stomach reluctantly and let her lotion my back. Her hands moved slowly and subtly. Then she whispered in my ear.

  “Roll over.”

  I rolled over and she lotioned me down. She started at my neck and worked her way down to my toes conveniently skipping my dick. On her way down she assured me that she would come back for that. Before coming back, she turned the light out. She kissed my stomach and then put her tongue on the head of my dick. She licked across it and then took it all into her warm mouth. After several minutes of what felt like eternal pleasure, she mounted on top of my dick and rocked and swayed her hips until we came together. I felt so much pleasure, and so much passion. We laid there a few minutes. The full size bed we were laying on was soaking wet. I was glad there was another bed right across from us.

  I got up and took a shower. As the water beat down on my face I thought about what happened earlier. The sex relieved a little bit of the stress I had, but none of the less I still had things weighing heavy on my mind. I stepped out of the shower and she stepped in. I sat on the fresh bed and started cracking the dutch she'd sat on the table. There was also some weed that smelled half ass aight. I rolled it up and sat it on top of the air conditioner so that it would quickly dry up. She got out of the shower and plopped down on the bed. She re lotioned herself and then me. We sparked up the dutch and laid back blowing. I caught her smiling and it turned into laughter. I was puzzled. I wanted to be in on the joke.

  “What are you laughing about?” I asked her. Looking at her smile gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. The pussy was good. Nice and tight, wet, and warm. That was all well and good, but there was more to it. This time around I actually felt something as I was having sex. True, I had just met her, but I felt more than I felt with Shakita and Iyani. I was still curious to find out what she was laughing about. She kissed my lips and I asked her again.

  “Ma... why you laughing?”


  “I Don’t even know your name!”

  I confessed, still laughing. He started laughing too. “Shit, I don't know yours either... my name is Rich, what's yours?

  “Akira... but its not like you care anyway. I’m just another chick you fucked.”

  Rich frowned.

  “Naw, I like you shorty... I mean Akira.”

  “Yeah that’s what they all say until I tell them my situation. Then niggas change up. Sometimes I want to kill myself... you know.”

  After the words escaped my mouth I thought about what I said and felt like a fool. I put myself out there once again like I always do. Not only did I put myself out there, I just came off like some suicidal wreck. I just knew for sure that was it. Shit, I wouldn’t even want to stay around me if I heard some shit like that. Rich closed his eyes as if he was in deep thought. “Shorty don’t talk like that. It can't be that deep.” “It is.” I shot back at him.

  “I’m good enough to fuck but not to wife up.” “Try me.” Rich said while laughing.

  “Okay, I’m sixteen, homeless, I ran away from a placement, and I might be pregnant. See I told you.” Rich grabbed my hand.

  “So... I’m seventeen, and I’m on the run.”

  Seventeen, I thought. No, I was thinking he was more like twenty or twenty-one, and why was he on the run. I wanted to ask, but I didn’t want him to turn around and ask me the same question.

  “It don’t matter, but like I said its not like you gone want me, especially if I’m pregnant.”

  “You crazy girl, pregnant pussy is the best pussy... who your baby father.”

  “I don't know, I’m gone keep it a hundred percent wit' you. I just been fucking niggas, staying here and there. I don't know. See, niggas don’t want shit but pussy anyway. I know how to cook, clean, suck, fuck, all that. Why can't a nigga really love me and be wit me. Everything is all good at first, but then they switch up.”

  I stopped myself from going on about it. I didn’t expect this nigga to be no different from the rest. “You gone be alright shorty, stop stressing.” Rich said before he turned on the television. We laid back and watched television until we fell asleep.

  In the morning we went to the furniture store. I helped Rich pick out a Black leather living room set. Next we went to J&R in Manhattan to get a flat screen and a DVD player. We took a yellow cab back to his house and waited for the furniture to be delivered. We ordered from Andrew’s Fish Market and sat outside talking. Rich seemed like a nice guy. But just like the rest, my only question was... how long would it last?


  I called Shakita on a pre-paid I bought from J&R. She was hysterical. It was bad like I thought it was. Homer, the homicide detective was looking for me. They kicked in my moms door, my apartment door, and the door to the abandoned house on Knickerbocker and Cooper.

  Zeke was a rat. I specifically told him the gun was there to test him. He wanted to meet my connect and see where my house was so bad. Seemed like Shakita wasn’t involved. She didn’t ask me where I was. As a matter of fact she went so far as to tell me not to come back around the way. I didn’t stay on the phone long. I had a sick feeling in my stomach as if it was the end. I realized that this shit was deep as the abyss. The only thing that could hold me was the gun... and they definitely wasn’t going to find it. I’m glad I was smart enough to move it. Zeke probably told them I had drugs too, but they wouldn’t have found any. I didn’t think about the Central Ave niggas we hit up. If he told about that, it was a rap.

  Now with homicide looking for me I was scared to go outside. Why take the chance. I had almost two hundred thousand
in cash and 285 bricks of pure cocaine in my basement. I decided that the best thing to do was to hibernate. I stayed in the house and I planned to do so until this shit blew over, if it ever would. I called Shakita from time to time to check on Manny. I sent him money orders to the jail and I had Akira take money down to his lawyers office. When I called Mr. Silva, one of the top criminal lawyers in Brooklyn, he advised me to save as much as possible. He asked me if I thought I could disappear for the rest of the year. That was in September.

  For the next 3 months I stayed in the house. My picture was on the channel 2, 4, 5, and 7 news when Manny's preliminary hearing finally came. They needed that gun, and boy did they need it. Their whole case against Manny depended on it. I was upgraded from someone that was wanted for questioning to a possible accomplice. I felt the walls closing in. From September to December, Akira grew on me. We did everything together. Eat, sleep, fuck, shower, and even playing video games. I explained the situation to Akira, however I never told her about the drugs or money in the safe or about where I hid the guns. We talked about everything else. She even had Mr Silva's information just in case. I trusted Akira.

  On December 19th I woke up with the same feeling I had when I left Halsey Street. I woke Akira up and told her to pack a bag. In our few months together I stressed the importance of her not questioning me when I ask her to do something on the spur of the moment.

  She packed and we left without even showering or brushing our teeth. We walked down to Nostrand Ave and got a gypsy cab to Newark, New Jersey. Once in Newark we found a travel agency downtown that booked us on a red eye to Orlando, Florida. Akira had no clue what I was doing. She couldn’t believe it until the plane actually landed in Orlando. It was 78 degrees and beautiful. We arrived on the cusp of the morning.